Critics respond to “Would I lie to you?”

RealLivePeople were thrilled with our press coverage for Would I lie to you? Not only were we the Philadelphia Inquirer’s top pick for the weekend of September 5th, we also received some well written, extremely positive reviews. Here are some excerpts:

Would I Lie to You? –

Photo Credit: JJ Tiziou

“In solo, partner, and group pieces, the eight dancers of RealLivePeople slid, kicked, rolled, leapt, and spun around the floor. Their motions, like the overall tone of Would I Lie to You?, were sharp yet graceful, dynamic yet playful. There were clean lines and enough breaking of form to vary the patterns made. Most of the movement included body contact and weight sharing between the dancers, suggesting the way that lies can weigh on and entangle our relations.” Samantha Maldanado, Broad Street Review

“…using audience-submitted lies for improvisational skits and performing to audio interviews of cast members detailing their beliefs about, and instances of, lying. Gliding between others’ outstretched limbs, pausing in handstands and shoulder supports, the cast carves, darts, and slides through translucent white curtains.” Becca Weber, ThinkingDance.Net

Walking Pattern, Inversion

Photo Credit: JJ Tiziou


“This is a beautiful piece of exploratory movement to watch – beautiful choreography, beautiful bodies, beautiful honesty. It gives us our own opportunities to reflect on our own lies, and absorb the fact that we have many of the same deceptions in common. And perhaps those deceptions can themselves be beautiful in that way. This show does not preach at us that the lies are wrong, or that we should stop lying – it gives us a chance to decide that for ourselves in a non-judgmental way.” Trish Parry,

“…the multilayered approach held my attention. The use of words (spoken by dancers, written on Post-its, or recorded and played aloud), as well as the dancers’ facial expressions, made the performance more accessible and enjoyable to those who do not consider themselves privy to the nuances of contemporary dance. The different kinds of performances within the show raised complex questions about the nature of lies.” Samantha Maldanado, Broad Street Review